GFR LogoGael Force Robotics

Join us for
Life-Changing Experiences

We are always looking for new members to join our teams. If you are interested in robotics, engineering, or just want to learn more about the field, we would love to have you on board.

Team Photo

The Process

  1. Join the GFR Discord Server
  2. Fill out Club Enrollment Form
  3. Attend Parent Information Meeting
  4. Attend Development Academy (GFA)
  5. Get Drafted to a Competitive Team

GFR Discord Server

The first step to joining GFR is to join our Discord server. This is where we communicate with our members, post announcements, and host meetings. you can find an invite to our server here

Club Enrollment Form

Before becoming an official member of our club, you must first fill out our enrollment form after looking at our expectations. Upon completion, you will become a member of our club development academy. If you would like to make a donation to our club, you can do so here.

Parent Information Meeting

Parents are required to attend a parent information meeting. This meeting will provide parents with information about the club, the development academy, and the competitive teams. We want your parents to have a lot of exposure into GFR and we want to keep them well informed. If you join the club late, we will schedule a meeting with you or your parents.

Gael Force Academy

If you're completely new to robotics, you'll be joining the Gael Force Academy (hereafter referred to as GFA). GFA is our way of teaching new members that may not be all too familiar with VEX, VRC, or robotics. GFA has meetings after school, twice a week, in portable P6. These meetings typically run from 3:30 to 5:30. They are led by our developer team officers. They often have guest appearances from captains, board members, and competition team members that help teach. GFA will teach you everything you need to know about robotics. Important topics such as build methods, design, VEX terminology, programming, CAD, and many more will all be covered in the curriculum.

Competitive Team Drafts

After spending a considerable amount of time in the Academy program, learning the basics of Robotics, and showing a willingness to cooperate and dedicate time to robotics, you will be given the chance to join a competitive team. After two months into the season, the drafting season starts and all the DEV Academy students get the opportunity to join a team.The club will put out a Google Form for DEV students to apply for a team in their rank of choice. Team Captains will then choose students based on activeness, participation in DEV, and potentially a short interview. Two months after the first draft, DEV students that didn't make it onto a team will try to apply again. Hopefully, with more knowledge and growth than the first time. The process is similar to the first draft. Because of the limited space on the competitive teams, not everyone will be able to join. However, those that do join will get to experience the thrill of competition and the joy of working with a team to accomplish a common goal.

GFR LogoGael Force Robotics

© 2024. All Rights Reserved.

Content by members of GFR

Developed by Lukas Somwong

Code licensed under the MIT License
